
UNISA Prospectus Undergraduate 2024-2025

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UNISA Prospectus Undergraduate 2024-2025. Explore the UNISA Undergraduate Prospectus for the 2024-2025 academic year. Access the PDF document to learn more about the undergraduate courses offered by UNISA for prospective students interested in pursuing their education.

The UNISA Undergraduate Prospectus serves as a comprehensive resource for details regarding the UNISA application process. Key information, crucial for potential applicants, is encompassed within the pages of the UNISA Undergraduate Prospectus.

UNISA Undergraduate Prospectus 2024-2025

The UNISA Undergraduate Prospectus for the academic year 2024-2025 serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking details on the university’s admissions and application procedures. Access the UNISA Prospectus 2024-2025 Undergraduate PDF for a thorough understanding of the admission process.

This prospectus encapsulates all the essential information prospective students need for a successful admission into the university. It has been made readily available for free download on the internet, ensuring accessibility to all interested individuals. UNISA Prospectus 2024-2025 Undergraduate PDF

Application Process for Undergraduate Admission 2024-2025:

If you are considering embarking on a new academic journey, the application for undergraduate admission is a crucial step. The application process encompasses the following categories:

  1. Students Transitioning from Higher Certificate or Other Programs: Individuals who have completed a higher certificate or any other program and aspire to pursue undergraduate studies at UNISA.
  2. Current UNISA Students Seeking Program Change or Specialization: Students currently enrolled at UNISA who wish to switch to a new program or specialize in a specific qualification.
  3. First-Time UNISA Applicants: Individuals applying to UNISA for the first time.
  4. Applicants Previously Offered Space but Unable to Register: Those who were previously offered a space at UNISA, accepted the offer, but were unable to complete the registration process.

UNISA undergraduate courses 2024-2025 

Below is the list of UNISA Undergraduate courses for 2024-2025:

  1. Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences (98201)
  2. Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare (90098)
  3. Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577)
  4. Higher Certificate in Banking (98225)
  5. Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice (90006)
  6. Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences (98237)
  7. Higher Certificate in Education (90093)
  8. Higher Certificate in Law (98751)
  9. Higher Certificate in Life and Environmental Sciences (98366)
  10. Higher Certificate in Marketing (98229)
  11. Higher Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics (90129)
  12. Higher Certificate in Physical Sciences (90101)
  13. Higher Certificate in Retailing (90014)
  14. Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work (90011)
  15. Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management (90015)
  16. Higher Certificate in Tourism Management (98226)

Diplomas Offered

  1. Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98200)
  2. Diploma in Administrative Management (98216)
  3. Diploma in Agricultural Management (90097)
  4. Diploma in Animal Health (98026 – AHE)
  5. Diploma in Chemical Engineering (90130)
  6. Diploma in Civil Engineering (90137)
  7. Diploma in Corrections Management (98218)
  8. Diploma in Electrical Engineering (90138)
  9. Diploma in Explosives Management (98222)
  10. Diploma in Human Resource Management (98211)
  11. Diploma in Industrial Engineering (90136)
  12. Diploma in Information Technology (98806 – ITE)
  13. Diploma in Law (98750) UNISA Prospectus 2024-2025 Undergraduate PDF
  14. Diploma in Local Government Finance (90083)
  15. Diploma in Marketing Management (98202)
  16. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90132)
  17. Diploma in Mining Engineering (90140)
  18. Diploma in Nature Conservation (98024 – NCO)
  19. Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture (98025 – HOR)
  20. Diploma in Policing (98220)
  21. Diploma in Public Administration and Management (98203)
  22. Diploma in Public Relations (90077)
  23. Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology (90141)
  24. Diploma in Safety Management (90107)
  25. Diploma in Security Management (98221)
  26. Diploma in Small Business Management (90073)
  27. Diploma in Tourism Management (98223)
  28. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Art (90148 – ART) UNISA Prospectus 2024-2025 Undergraduate PDF
  29. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Business Studies (90148 – BUS)
  30. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Consumer Studies (90148 – CON)
  31. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Economics (90148 – ECO)
  32. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Engineering Technology (90148 – ETC)
  33. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching English (90148 – ENG)
  34. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Financial Accounting (90148 – FAC)
  35. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Geography (90148 – GEO)
  36. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching History (90148 – HIS). UNISA Prospectus 2024-2025 Undergraduate PDF
  37. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Hospitality Studies (90148 – HOS)
  38. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Information Computer Studies (90148 – ICA)
  39. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Languages (90148 – LAN)
  40. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Orientation (90148 – LOR)
  41. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Sciences (90148 – BIO) UNISA Prospectus 2024-2025 Undergraduate PDF
  42. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Mathematical Literacy (90148 – MTL)
  43. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Mathematics (90148 – MAT)
  44. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Physical Sciences (90148 – PHS)
  45. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Religion Studies (90148 – REL)
  46. Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Tourism (90148 – TRM)

Advanced Diploma

  1. Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Certificate in The Theory of Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 – CT1)
  2. Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (98230 – FAC)
  3. Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Internal Auditing (98230 – AUI)
  4. Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 – MA1)
  5. Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Taxation (98230 – TAX)
  6. Advanced Diploma in Agricultural Management (98027)
  7. Advanced Diploma in Animal Health (90112)
  8. Advanced Diploma in Chemical Engineering (90128)
  9. Advanced Diploma in Computer Integrated Education (90165)
  10. Advanced Diploma in Education in Intermediate Phase Mathematics Teaching (90113)
  11. Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering in Power Engineering (90126)
  12. Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications (90127)
  13. Advanced Diploma in Engineering Technology in Civil Engineering (90142)
  14. Advanced Diploma in Industrial Engineering (90134)
  15. Advanced Diploma in Information Resource Management (90007)
  16. Advanced Diploma in Intermediate Phase Natural Science and Technology Education (90162)
  17. Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90133)
  18. Advanced Diploma in Mining Engineering (90131)
  19. Advanced Diploma in Nature Conservation (98028)
  20. Advanced Diploma in Ornamental and Landscape Horticulture (90094)
  21. Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235)
  22. Advanced Diploma in Senior Phase Natural Science Education (90166)
  23. Advanced Diploma in Tourism Management (90118)

Undergraduate Bachelor Degrees

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences:

  • Financial Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98302 – FA1)
  • Internal Auditing (98303 – AUI)
  • Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98304 – MA1)
  • Taxation (98318 – TAX)

Bachelor of Administration:

  • General (98315 – BAD)
  • Human Settlements Management (90016 – HSM)

Bachelor of Arts:

  • General (99311)
  • Communication Science (98051)
  • Community Development (98618)
  • Creative Writing (99313)
  • Criminology (98681)
  • Development Studies (99312)
  • Environmental Management (98055)
  • Forensic Science and Technology (90002)
  • Government, Administration and Development (99301)
  • International Relations (99302)
  • Police Science (98683)
  • Policy Studies (99303)
  • Political Leadership and Citizenship (99304)
  • Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (90079)
  • Visual Multimedia Arts (90091)

Bachelor of Business Administration:

  • General (98316 – BBA)

Bachelor of Commerce:

  • General (98314 – GEN)
  • Various Specializations in Business Informatics, Business Management, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Law, Marketing Management, Public Procurement Management, Quantitative Management, Supply Chain and Operations Management, Tourism Management, Transport and Logistics (See respective codes)

Bachelor of Consumer Science:

  • Fashion Retail Management Stream (98005 – FAR)
  • Fashion Small-business Management Stream (98005 – FSB)
  • Food Service Management Stream (98005 – FSM)
  • Various Other Streams (See respective codes)

Bachelor of Education:

  • Foundation Phase Teaching (90102)
  • Intermediate Phase Teaching (90103)
  • Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching (Various Subject Combinations, See respective codes)

Bachelor of Information Science:

  • General (99310)

Bachelor of Laws:

  • General (98680 – NEW)

Bachelor of Music

  • General (90089)

Bachelor of Science

  • Various Specializations in Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Computing, Environmental Management, Informatics, Life Sciences, Agricultural Science, and more (See respective codes)

Bachelor of Social Work

  • General (90088)

Bachelor of Theology

  • General (90160)


The UNISA Undergraduate Prospectus for 2024-2025 is an invaluable resource for prospective students. It provides essential details on admissions, application procedures, and a comprehensive list of diverse undergraduate courses, guiding individuals toward a successful academic journey.

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